Every now and then on my site ....i like to post a disclaimer .......for some reason simple ......just to let people know ....life is short ......and if you take my site too personally .....you might be a fucking snowflake ......
from time to time i like to get into character assassination .....jest and frivolity ....and some bullshit i post because i find it nuts.....but because the mass of sheep voted for a president who is a pandering weak man .....and old as fuck and we know his bolts are rusting ......but then most p[eopel are afraid of everything and anything ....the whole vaccination thing has exposed the masses otherwise it would not be called herd immunity .....still if you live in fear you lose your right to think freely ....too many idiots trust a govt .......dumb asses....
still i like to post a disclaimer so that your pissy ....sissy ....snowflake ....little gilry feeling will not be hurt ....we cannot say shit on face book because a bunch of scrounging mooching loser who monitor shit decide you can be banned because they are weak ......i will always tell it like it is on here .......why you ask .....well because its mine .....and until some fucking person decides to pay all my bills etc etc .........i will be free ....i cannot be bought and like the idea that i still have a conduit of freedom ......how much longer blogger will allow i am not sure .......because the pussies that walk the earth vote on govt's that are weak not strong and when you vote on .....i am not saying donald trump was great but he was not old and delirious like this fucking bonehead .......he is selling americans out .....but i do not vote and will never vote for the sole fact i am not am not interested its all rigged ........
Anways as always i have strayed off the topic in hand due to frustration of really stupid fucking masses ......the meek shall lead the weak ....the strong will always over come .......lead follow or get out of the fucking way .......this is how i see life .......
However my disclaimer is just to let you know life is short .,....and none of us opur getting out of here alive ........exist do not just survive whats the point .......we are defined by the choices we make .......stop crying about the stupid mistakes you make .....no one can fix them but you .....do not take everything personally its only words .......
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