
                     global record store

Woodstock records and music ....will be opening very,very global record store ....soon you will have  access  to over  a century of music .....we will have  all genres of  music ...from  all decades ...and all forms .
woodstock records and music  will be in cosntant  state of uploading inventory ,so we will have lots of stuff in stock  ...all you have  to do.... is  send us  an enquiry  for what you are  looking for ,and i am pretty  sure  we will have it  is the  way you can reach us by phone ,if you are in USA (or if you want to call from  abroad  ).....or by  e-mail which  we can print and save ....either  way we will do our very best to  accomadate your musical  desires...

            contact by phone .......818-851-1210

    contact by e-mail

               we hope you find  what you are looking for

                   keep vinyl alive .... 

OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............

  Well god dam jesus christ son of a  carpentero ..........really what a  fucking lsoer   and  they expect this guy to  go  straight into a ...