Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Apparently ,,,,,,,the quarantine is making couple having to stay together longer ........especially in japan where the  divorce rate is on the rise ........
I mean,,,,,,,, who the fuck in their right mind.......  wants to be stuck home all day with the wife........ and  kids  .....are you fucking nuts there will be lots of divorces for couple  having to be stuck together ........there is a lot to be said about being  single  .....sure you don't get ass on tap .......
but most couples are not banging every single ........ day you know when you live with someone.......  the sex  gets  less .....the  headaches get more and then  you get  married .......and  have kids...... its a fucking big event  .......if you get it at all she closes the basement on your ass....... the kids ....... take . over her tits.....and you get blue balls ...... and the  bed  and  you gets  no sleep.....not too mention she will start an argument so she does not have to fuck your dumb ass.......its  a fact jack .....this virus will really show how much you want to be with someone ........its already showing how really fucking stupid people are ........

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