Wednesday, March 18, 2020

$1000 checks ......

So i am hoping all you self loathing liberals are not going to accept Donald trumps thousand dollar checks right .....i mean after hate him and its idea.....not Obamas.......... there is an emergency .........but you liberals want poverty ..............that's what you are striving for isn't it....... like don't want to be rich...... you want to wait in line for 6 hours  for one egg...... because your a fucking empty headed fuck..... ....
Donate the thousand to hungry kids.......  put your political ideas you don't want  Donald's  money ..... i bet you don't sponging fucks  .......will gladly take that thousand dollars because its fucking free ..........that's why nice when you get money for free......  huh then its all good ........ mister  president  ......hypocrites  .......lets see how many freeloading liberals will send the thousand  dollars  back  ....i bet not many .....fucker ..... 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......