Tuesday, March 3, 2020

corona virus ...chapter 12 vol 12................

Every fucking time the shit hits the  fan ...people lose their  fucking mind .....and  what do fuckers  do  shit paper and  water  ......like fucking animals ....terrified .......
watch and see this shit will blow over  there will be a  cure  and some other shit  will appear .......the  fear and  stupidity of  people  is  unbelievable  .........

in a  hurricane  they lose their  fucking minds  and its  those parents  who  cannot  grab enough shit to hoard in their  houses  ....mean while  people are getting rich from fear ......the worst are  those  fear induced  psychotic  parents  they lose  their  shit  run to Costco..
 .....watch by summer this  shit will be  replaced  ....its  a game ...........all people  do is  grab  shit and  dont  think about anyone  else  they  totally  just become like  fucking animals  although thats a  detriment  to animals  ....they have  respect  ..........i am not panicking this  shit  is  a  big  scam  ......even the  dumb asses  wearing the  mask..........
China  is  doing  something dark and  devious and this  virus  is a  smoke  screen  for  something  .....i can  tell you its  total crap  but hey  i hope  i am  wrong  ...but  something smells really fishy and  to top it off  i do not  trust the  Chinese ....sneaky fuckers  they are the  most   distrustful race of  people ...they  don't  care  about  anyone or  anything .....

Lines at Costco as Shoppers Empty Shelves of Water and Toilet Paper Amid Coronavirus Panic

Long Lines at Costco as Shoppers Empty Shelves of Water and Toilet Paper Amid Coronavirus Panic
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Shoppers in a Costco in Seattle, Washington, braved long lines on February 29 to buy essential items like water and toilet paper in preparation for potential coronavirus quarantines, local media reported.
In these two videos, shoppers with carts full of food and supplies can be seen waiting in a long line at a Costco store checkout. Empty shelves which once held toilet paper can also be seen in the video.
Reuters reported that numerous grocery and supply stores in the United States recorded panic buying on February 29. Credit: J.G. Blanco via Storyful

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  Whoever  concocted this stupid looking bullshit idea....... ....was a  big fucking fairy !!!!.......who the fuck wants a mansion in a stre...