Wednesday, June 5, 2019

geee!!!!you think

I don't know about the  rest of you ,......i hate  flying used to be  fun .......that was  before  ,..loonies started  putting Bomb's in their  shoes .........9/11.........and of  course  all the other   security related  bollocks you are herded like cattle onto  planes .......and all sorted of  pre boarding  crap ........and of   course  those god awful TSA employees  who  are   soulless  and   just hate their  jobs  ......look at their  faces .......they  are only there  for  the  benefits and  the  other  freebies .....

I used  to like  the  flying experience  and  all the  fun at the  airport ......but now its a  dreaded  experience  , least  flight to scotland  to say goodbye  to  mother   .....was  horrendous  ....its  was  with the  dreaded  northwest  airlines ......they lost my luggage  and   trapped me in  heathrow  airport .......which is  horrendous  .......i think i would rather  have a  pineapple  shoved in my ass .....or Rosie o Donnell  sit on my face  for  12 hours ............i think that would be more  pleasant then  heathrow .......12 hours in heathrow's  dreadful ..........

Well the 737 .......what else  can you  expect from people  not  wanting to  fly if  air fares  are  not expensive  enough ........and  the  stewardesses  are  old and  beat  .....i remember  they used  to be  hot .......although  Cathay pacific and  hong kong airlines .......have  smoking hot    stewardesses ..........of course  first class  helps  you get  better  seats   better  service  and  of course  privacy ,  everything else .......yes  the  good  old  dollar bill .......economy  if you are   normal.........
Apparently there are   1 million  people in the air over  America  at any given time .......but when you  see the  amount of  airports  .....and  just look at  Atlanta .......and of course  the only time in  aviation history the  America  skies were  empty  of commercial airlines ... was  when 9/11.....unless you did not know the only plane  then was  the bin ladens  family jet .......was  commissioned  to  move them ....away  ...but  i am  sure  you all knew  this  .....and military ......jets of  course  ......but then why would the  bin ladens  family jet  be  allowed  to  leave  ........well that in not  to  hard  to  fugue  out .........
So as i will not be  doing much  flying  ...i would rather  be  driving  unless  i  have to  leave  America  for an  exotic location  certainly will not  be   to Scotland  .......anytime  in the  next  decade  i have no reason to  go  to that  cold  treacherous .....traitorous  country .......over rated .....over priced ,.....and  of  course ........cold  as  hell ......not sure  why people are  romanticized Abuot  Scotland  ......maybe  because they watched  the  epic  failure  braveheart bollocks .......well anyways .......who would want to fly on a  737 .....track record  ........and  its  reasons are  enough .......maybe  Boeing has lost its certainly used  to make  good  planes .........still some 3rd world  country will use  them  .....all shit gets  sent  to  3rd world  countries  if  they  cannot  be used  in  modern developed  countries .......known fact .......computers and  medications and  suchlike .....bon voyage !!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......