Wednesday, August 23, 2017

well what else would you expect .....

this is probably the height of  stupidity....... and what the govt wants ......people  turning on each other ........def election .......Americans  unlike their  french  friends ...... protest against their  govt for  treating them like  shit ........but Americans  are  fighting with each other ........makes no sense ......

but  if you really think about these people  demonstrating are  too  scared to protest against the  govt ......they don't  have the sense or  the guys  to do it  ........

i mean ...... why would they  ...... it would mean  they would  make  sense .....America  does  not want these  par timers  to make  sense ......

they want the  govt to continue  dding what they are  doing ......and  that's  pure  and simple  .......conquer and  divide .....

Americans  are  so politically divided ......and  dont  even  know how  much   they are  being  taken advantage  of  ......

that's the .......'viva la  difference'...... as  the  French would  say ........ they  have  loyalty...... and  compassion .........when they are  getting fucked  over   Americans  just   fight  with each other ....... and  achieve nothing  absolute  squat ......

America is the great  economic  engine of the world ......  but  its  intellectual capacity for  making sense its  in the toilet ......

its imploding .....and  this is  what the  govt wants  .......division ....still  the French are a  smart  bunch of  fuckers  .......i am not  french sympathizer......  as  i hate all human beings ....... until they prove  me wrong ......

but this protests  is  absolute  fucking stupidity....... on  level  that's  beyond .....what  waste of  fucking  energy  .....proving once  again ...... why America is  32nd in the  world in education 


Anti-Fascist Protesters Fall Into Neo-Nazis’ Trap by Confronting Them

 Laurie Marhoefer,Newsweek 12 hours ago 

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  There are not enough words for this  fucking useless ....nutless ....gutless......   filthy ....low life    dirtbag ....lying two faced  p...