Wednesday, August 23, 2017

when you leave america

Not sure if this  kids parents have  a  brain,.....but its  a known fact America is one  free  country ........ unlike the uncivilized shit holes on the planet .......

Saudi Arabia is one of them ........its a third world  bunghole ........with money not  civilized ........these  fuckers  come to  America ......... hoping to  bring that bunghole mentality here ....... into  civilized world .......... and thus....... this is why  civilized people  get angry .......when third word  fuckers  ......... being a parasite mentality  to a  civilized  country ......

This dumb rotund  kid ........was ill informed or  ........  just  fucking stupid........ and white....... and   obviously was not informed ....... these  fuckers  don't  fuck around   ...nope  .....Arabs  do not like  white people .......  never have ...... never  Will .......unless its a white chick of  course ......

Islam has no sense of  humour ........ Islam does not like  anything other ............ than Islam  ........and this  dumb ass white  kid  thinks  he  can   fucking mess  with the   Islamic  law .....he might be  better  served  as a  public  flogging........ to  remind  people  these  fuckers  ......area  archaic .......  and   no nonsense  bunghole  country ....

i am not sure why people  want to go to these   fucking shit holes  ....... maybe  he   might be   hurt bad .......... as to  set an  example  as  to why  Americans......  do not want Islam  in America ........  its   a  shite  culture  ......  fit  for  a shite   country ......that's why it  fits  there  ...its old  ........archaic ........ and  out of  touch  with  civilization ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......