Tuesday, August 22, 2017

oh really not the sharpest knives in the drawer

well...... welly well oh well ......out come the idiots ....were there  not warnings about looking at the  eclipse  .......without  glasses .....first of.......  i  do not  trust the  glasses  .........and do not trust  anyone selling those  fucking dumb glasses ....... neither  especially as the  Chinese  bastards ....... ripping off  people  by selling fakes ..... as  always .......anything for a  buck .......

however......  they did say .......do not stare  at  for  a   while....... and  apparently  people  were  stairing at  for  28 seconds ........there will never  be a  shortage  of  dumbasses ......i mean  .......its a fact they are  trying to  save your  eyesight .......

apparently half of America  was  partaking in the eclipse   bollocks.......  and they were  all  claiming some  sort of  spiritual  enlightenment  that's  because  most were  fucking high as  fuck...... or  drunk .......

now as  America    is  32nd in the world in education .....and most  do not know  what two countries  border their  own  ......this  was  probably the  half  wits  that got  fucked ........

stupid is..... as  stupid  does .......i mean  the  warning were   there  ....... but if you  have the  intellectual  capacity of a  raisin ........ this is  where you will be......  in pain......most people  drove thousands of  miles  .......for a  two minute  fiasco ....... even bonnie  Tyler  sang like a  fucking  slaughtered seal on  cruise  ship .....fuck off  bonnie !!!!!!..... your  old ....... and your  voice is  shite ......

i have no interest in a  some  dumb ass  eclipse ...... its     just   fucking planet deal ........ but if  you need  any  excuse  for a  party.......  there  you have it  .....

Odell beck ham  stared as it ...... not  really a  Harvard  grad ....... or  a 4.0 grad  obviously ......no sense  ...... i guess  he  has money to get  his  saucers   fixed ......

once again ......i have no sympathy for  stupidity...... and you deserve all you  get ........ for  being a  fucking  retard  .....it comes  with the territory .....Noe   job  fuckos  .....maybe  next time you will listen!!!!!


People All Over Are Saying Their Eyes Hurt From The Solar Eclipse

 Jenna Amatulli,HuffPost 7 hours ago 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......