Tuesday, July 4, 2017

refugees bring crisis

America has its own troubles with homelessness............ and   vets......... and  child hunger ......

it does not  need  to  help otter  countries .....

if the refugees  were  real men ..............they would stay and  fight for their  countries .......obviously i  do not  get the  whole  refugee  deal .......

i left Scotland  because it was  shite ......cold ...... boring....... pure and  simple ..........  went to  England  and  left  because i  saw  how  bad the   country  was  getting ............not because  war torn  torn 

America has  enough  charity  ............. it does  not  need   any more  third world  mentality............  fucking it up .......... look at it now .....Even  Europe is  fucked .........

problem is..............  third world  people  breed like  fucking  dung flies ..........its  ignorance  .....i simply do not  give a  fuck........  whether  you  are  offended  or  not ........

simple fact is...........  third world  people ............ keep having ............and shitting out kids  .......even  when they are dying .........its a fucking  dumb stupid  uneducated ........ ignorant mentality .........

and  a  lot of  it spawned  by religious  bullshit ............especially the catholic  religion .......that  forbids   contraception ..........

look at Africa  .......... they keep fucking .....even  when  they are  dying  .....i mean   knock it off ........

 its  fucking pure  ignorance  .....and  call me  callous   but i have no sympathy for  poor  fuckers  who  know  they are  poor ............ and  keep fucking and  having kids  your  simply  ignorant  cunts ........

if you Carnot afford  to  feed yourself  ..........you might wanna  stop and  think .............you might not be  able to afford  kids........  you selfish  fucking twat.........

yet.............. these  are the  same  cunts that  can buy beer  and  fuck ........should be  jailed ............... buy a  condom  instead  you  fucking dumb bastard ............ no wonder  the  world is  fucked ......makes  me  puke 

immigrants keep  breeding ..............and  bring diseases ................ they  do not  care they are third  world  .................and   as  soon as  they get settled ................ they start  breeding................ its a fucking nightmare ................ no wonder  the  world is  fucked  ...................its  fucked  by ignorant  cunts  shitting out  kids .......

woman in Africa  are dying of  aids  ................and  guess  what ..................they are fucking................ and  having aids  babies..........  useless  cunts..........  the worst part is............... the  fucking stupid  assholes ............ who are  fucking  dying women...........  this is   a  fucked  up  mentality of  epic proportions ..........

you cannot fix  fucking stupid ............its why there  are such shows  like  Jerry springer  ..........Maury  povich ...............Dr Phil.......so on .......and  so forth  because  stupid  just  keeps   pumping out more  stupid  fuckers ........

you cannot fix the  stupid  gene  ............it mutates  into  either  cunt or  worse..............

Jerry springer  has  had a living  25 years   from  stupid  ghetto  fuckers........... and  retards ......... same with Maury   ........men who are  actually proud  they are not the fathers .............. and  some  ghetto whore comes  back  10  times ............ because the  slag  does  no  know  who  fucked  her .......really !!!!!!

and they  all  are  the lowest on the  human  food  chain............  and  they are  just  breeding  stupid  people  are  like  fucking rats .....they  only know  how  to  fuck and  sponge its a  fact  ........

its  a rat mentality .......

professional people  mostly  get a career then a family ........... but  very  unlikely ten kids.........  or a  fucking hockey team ......

its not  racist ...............its  just a fact that  uneducated  third  world people............  just fuck and  breed  /

so many Mexicans  come  to America  to work ................and send  money back to support  a  wife  and  usually  4-6 kids..............  because there is no money in .Mexico 

every day in America................   Mexicans  usually transfer over 100 million US  dollars  to support  families .............same with Filipinos ........they are poor  as  fuck .......and  they come  here  and  work and  send  money home .......just a plain simple  fact ......

it does not make sense to be poor and hope a  kid will make you rich .......thats  fucked .....if you are so broke you canot pay attention ......why would you get  fucking knocked up  !!!!!!!!

America is  overrun and  cannot even  feed its own kids ............. and  vets  so why  does it need  more  problems .....really ................. its  not Americas   job to  take in the  worlds  garbage ....


Refugees in U.S.: Trump Will Have Lowest Total Number of Needy Immigrants Entering the Nation in 10 Years

 Josh Lowe,Newsweek Mon, Jul 3 7:00 AM PDT 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......