Tuesday, July 4, 2017

unknown gender my fucking ass!!!!!!

there you have it folks................. empty headed  Canadians  cunts  wanting attention.....fucking assholes ...........

listen ...............................you are  either one of  three things........................ when your  born .....you have a  Dick...................... or  a clit ...............or  by an  anatomical nightmare .............you might be hermaphrodite .................which means  .....................god  has  told you  you   can go fuck yourself 

all these  Canadians  bastards  are   is .......................  dumb fucks  looking for  attention ...................... its  the weak   generation of  shite parents .........your kids is  either  have  balls and a  Wang  or  a vag .................not unknown   

honestly we  have  at least 4  generations of  numb nutted  weak ass  parents ................... who  are fucking useless  cunts  ...........

i have  never  seen  so many   fucking useless  douchbags  want  fame ...................... and look at these   pseudo mindless  empty headed  fucks   ................. cant even  imagine  what their parents  must be     .....

what a  fucking  pair of  shit plugs .......that's  mental  child  abuse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i hope their  kid  beat their  ass  when they grow up  for   being so useless 

the term can only be used if the  kid is  born without genitals.............. then its really fucked 


Baby becomes world's first to have gender marked ‘unknown'

 Andy Wells,Yahoo News UK Mon, Jul 3 2:07 AM PDT 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......