Monday, July 17, 2017

i am with ann coulter

i am not an Ann coulter fan .....not  really sure what she does .......probably news.........really do not  care ..........if she is a pole  dancer ........but  when it comes  to airlines.......... i am with her  ......airlines in America  suck ass !!!!.........

i have  travelled  on them all ..............and they  fucking  rank  big time .........its a typical corporate io  do not  care   attitude ............
first off  ......... whats with the attitude...........  with stewardesses   .......your a flying fucking waitress !!!!!!!!   sorry  but  check  your  clit at the  front  desk......... ..........your  basically a  servant to the  flying bastards  like me ........

pilots and   stewardesses  used  to be considered  glamorous in the  seventies............   but flying is a fucking nause  these  days ........

i feel  bad for the pilots........... they do not  get the respect like  they used  to  ...........

and stewardesses in America  are  old  and  fucking beat  ladies  ............its not  really a job  for a  man ......... no straight  man  would put  up  with that shit............  they would kill  cunts ........give them a fucking beating right there  and  then .... 

really  but  gay guys  Will  do it .........they put  up  with a fucking a dude  .......... so they  can put  up with  anything  .......they  can put up  with woman's  shit .......... because they do not  wanna  fuck them .......when you  want to  fuck a chick ........the game changes lies  just  the  truth!!!!! 

when you  fly with European countries  .........the stewardesses  are  really hot........... especially when you go to  Asia  the women are  smoking hot ...........

 !!!!!!!listen i am a  red  blooded male ........... and i like  to see  hot ..........not old  and  beat.........  its  just things  are ,,.......and when  flying.......... its  bad  enough i  have  to sit  next  to  a  cunt  i want to  beat into a  coma............  unless  it's  a hot  babe  seeing an old  lady  serve me  shit   is   garbage  .............

so Ann coulter is  right .......... American  aviation is  fucking chronic .......need a  change 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......