Monday, July 17, 2017

facebook the zombie platform

i stopped  ranting on  face book long time ago i  was  just tired of  how i  saw a  platform  of  stupidity control people  like  a  sheep  farmer ..........

mark zucherburg is a  fucking genius .......... how  he  came  up with this is  unreal.................

it  amazes  me that   human beings let this  shit control their  lives  ............ right down  to   letting other people  control them ..................

The worst human being alive............... is  the one  that  is  afraid of  what others  think of  them .........its a  clear  sign of  insecurity  and   low self  esteem ........

you have to realize  that people  filled with self  hatred .......... and low opinions ............ and  low  self  esteem  are the  most dangerous  human  beings .........why  you  may  ask .........because these  people  are what  corporations  want to   control ........

yep !!........... give a  weak......... insecure ....... low  self  esteem  person........... a  mere  image they have  power..........  a  paycheck........... and  some  authority .........say like  an  employ   of  TSA ........and you  have a  dangerous   human being .....................simple  its  how  corporations  work .................

If you care what other  think of  you  .............then you  do not  care  about yourself ..............simple  easy  fact  .........

other people............ should not have  a  matter of  fact in your  life ............. for the  simple  fact   ...........unless   of  course they pay your  bills..........  all of  them  then you are  owned  by others .........

but  other people...........  who you let in  to your  life ......... will never  make  a  decision that is  in your interest ............because human being's  by  genetic pre-disposition are  on the  whole   cunts .........

simple  fact ........... very  ........very........  few  are  genuine .......... and  have  genuine   agendas ..........  especially ...........when it  boils  down to  the  plain old  simple  fact of  money..............

I have  witnessed  with my own  eyes .......death and  money  even ......that's the worst and lowest of  all ........

but  here  we  have   face book .......... a place  where  every  brother..........  and  mother.........  and  motherfucker ....... wants  to be loved  ........and  recognized  on  any level .......

i myself  have  experienced...........  the insecurity ......... and pathetic  idiocy............... of  people  who were  afraid  of  my rants .........because they were   afraid  of  the  spoken  word.........which is  all it  is   ....

actions  are   more  scary  .........a war  of  words ........... is  better  that  words of  war .......any day ..........

i move to  my own  blog ............... because i realized  people  were  too insecure on face book.............  to deal with mere  simple  rants  for  entertainment purposes..........  i  even rag on my self............   

but people have  expressed  their wives   have gotten  upset  with me   .........but then  there  are  emasculated  grown ..........pussy whipped  men ........... who  are controlled  by a women  half  their  size ............and  weight..........  a  real man would not  tolerate  this  ............but there  are  few  left  ...........they  are  being    de-balled  every  day .......... especially in America  .......

there is nothing worse ........... than a de-balled  white  man...........  or   any man  for that  matter can   spot  ..............and tell a  de-balled  man  by  two  question............ or  one  action.....usually they sell out  faster  than  a rock concert .........

face book is  just a spawning  ground  for  people   desperately seeking   attention.............  and  will only   manifest in  to more  tragic  things  like this below  ............. 

it tells you what  kind  of  family this  was  .......and there  will be more on the way  for  sure .........

as long as  people  crave  attention............  then  face book will flourish!!!!!........

 much' on Facebook after allegedly killing mom

 KTRK – Houston 16 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......