Saturday, July 15, 2017

america sold off long time ago

America  has been sold off ........... long time  ago  ......i have to laugh with all the patriotism.......... and  flag waving.... ......its  Private  entity .........America is owned  in parts  by  ....china.........UK.......japan............and  other  foreign entities who have  stakes in it ........

America at one  point ...........was borrowing one billion dollars a day from china ...........

but  America is  a  privately held entity ..........held  by powerful  families  who own and  run it all .......with trillions of  dollars  .......

when people  vote .............i laugh at the stupidity  ....because the outcome has  already been decided the world of  politics  or  simply  business ...........

UK owns  16%or America.....japan owns  another  at least  14%..........and  god knows  what china  owns ..........

and the ever  so evasive  Rothschild family ........who have an estimated  535 trillion dollar  fortune ........cannot blame  it  ......the  powers will be  ......its  just monopoly on a large  scale ...............

America is  great .............. but as long as you understand........... that all your  flag waving.......... and patriotism ............and  singing........... and  chanting the national anthem......... is a  complete  waste of  fucking time ........

every sporting  event is   almost rigged  .............and  the  media  brainwash  the  fools  ............that  believe  Ali the  garbage spewed out on TV ........

the president is   just a  front man  for  a  bigger  shadow .........but as long as  people ............ and  married  people   ............grovel........... and  exist  in their  bubbled  lives    ..........going to   shops .......... and  buying stuff .......... they cannot afford ........ and   living in houses .......... they do not  own ...........and  drive  cars .......... that   they don't  own.............  and  grovel for  a living  .............
 its  what they want you  to  do ........... obey  and  work  for  a corporation who Will fire  you  faster than a  schoolboy ejaculating at his teacher .......

as  soon as your  baby is  born........... they sell your  info to  Pier 1.......... toys r us ............and  who  ever  else  you will buy  from  ........

they sll you a dream...........  perpetrated  by  the  massive  conspirators of  wealth ...............and powe..............  and you  believe when you get married............  its  all  apple pie  and  ice  cream  ......

the  brainwashing is passed of........... from  father  to  son...........mother  to daughter have to get an  education............ to get  a  job get a wife.............  to get a house ........... to get a child .........  to get   life ........... and  be  like  them...........  otherwise you do not  fit in .......... to their  miserable  existence ............. which they  will use  to get  kids   for  them  missing their  time .........

mothers tell  daughters..........   to  get a man  to  take  care of  them .............  because that's  what she  did ............and  daughters are  pressured ...........and  sons  are told  they have to  do what his  daddy ........... and his  daddy ........ and his  daddy .......... did ........... have  kids ...........  come at the weekends   ............get debt and  ...........have a nice  car .......... and  appear  happy  .....although they do not  care  what you feel............ as long as you  conform  to  what  families  want  ......

mother s want  to fill the  empty nest..........  because they  don't  want to  let  go ......

and it all  adds up to money.........  a house ........ a job........... a  car  ..........a mortgage ........... buying  furniture products ..........and  credit  cards..........  and working to pay for the  things you do not own ........

and when it all goes wrong............ the wife  goes  back to mothers..............  and the son .......... is paying for  shit to  support the  kids ........... because the wife holds the  kids  hostage  ........... of  your  failure ......... failed ........and then you are  paying child  support...........  while  some  other  guy is  fucking your  wife .............. and  then  she  has  more  kids  by the new  man .......and it  all   boils  down to more  money ......

its the  American  dream Long as you spend .......... spend ........... its  Ali America  is  about is  money   ............. consumption ...........and  as long  as  the  women  keep  spending ............and  consuming  ,...........families  consume  ........... single people   don't ...........they do not   care  about single  people .............. there is not enough money in single people............

marriage and  divorce............ is  great  business........... and everyone  wins  ............ right down to  the   lawyers and the  shops  ...........  America is  not  a country its a business..........

pure and simple ........


  I  am not sure about anyone else .......... but i am  fucking   sick and  tired of  milton ........ (what i shite  name ...... who  gave  ...