Friday, May 19, 2017

woman dies after giving birth .......

I know from time  to  time i rag on woman on how  crazy they are .......but  i have  to stop and honor the  bravery woman go through to have  kids .........

I know  myself i could  and would not  even think about  having kids .......but the fact that women  go  forward  and  have  them,......with the chance of  dying  remarkable ........

And here is one of  them   stories  would not   do it   ....take a  chance of  dying    delivering a kid ........women  do not  think about it  .....its  amazing ......i know   i  have  never   been that interested  in the whole  family thing  ....of  being a father ......not  sure  why  ....i personally think its  was  all the  bullshit i  witnessed  growing up  on  what   families  do  to the  rest of  the  family know  using the  kids  to   blackmail the  probably happens   even  more than i  know  .....because  as  we  all know  that  grandparents  ...are  nothing more  than  glorified  babysitters .......of  course  they  are  not to  mention  Banks   to  bail out the    daughter  who  fucks  up  ......and if  they  don't  they use  the  kid  as  an  emotional  crowbar  to   manipulate  the   gran parents ......

Fuck we  all know  today  .........loads of   kids  are  raised  by the  grandparents    .....specially in some  cultures  .....if you don't .........  your  in  denial  ...or  your head is  up  your  ass ......Jesus  Christ  my   parents.... financed      the  kids  ....and  gave  them  their  surname  ....because their   real  father........  were   fuck ups  ....only to take  our  family name ......... and  run into the  ground a  car  give  somone  a car  ........ who  does  not  need  to earn it........ and they  abuse  it .......    i  guess they were  too   embarrassed  to use  the  real  fathers  name ...........

However i  do not  wanna  stray  too  far from the  topic   .........i will  just say  women  do    have  the    emotionally  capacity  to    brave  conceiving a child   ...which i find  amazing .......

I do not care  about life .......or  human  beings  that  much  i  find  the     mass    majority of  human beings  ........... fucking  shit plugs  and  destructive ..........but   my   congrats  to any woman  who   has  the   amazing  bravado  to  go ahead  and   give  life  .....and  give  up  their  life   all in the  name  of  the  human  race ............


Woman Dies After Childbirth, Photos Go Viral

 Tess Koman 8 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......