Saturday, May 20, 2017

weddings are pure bollocks ...heres why .........

Weddings are pure  and  absolute  nonsense on a   myriad of  levels  and  heres  why ........of  course you  are going to think i am   cynical as  fuck   about   a  wedding ........but they are construed  by men  ........ for  the purpose  of !!!!!you  say .......yes   .....its a great  business  day when  a father.........usually spends  a  shite  load of  cash  for  his  daughter  to  get   fucked  legally in the eyes of  the  law .........

marriage  was  created  so the man  could   sort of  legally own  the  woman ....i guess in the old     codger  bastard    days know  these  old  fuckers  ........... who were   drunks ......and  uneducated  bastards    ...much like  all the prophets , its  a  day  when the woman  ....and its  all about her  ......gets  a  wedding dress    at an  exhorbrant fee   wear  for   one   day to  get  fucked in .......thats  right  ....its   the tradition  daddy  pays  for  a   7  grand  dress ......  for the  man  he  did not   want     him  fucking his dauughter in his  house .........  has  to pay  now  for a  dress ...... for  him  to  fuck  her  in  .......yep  you got it .......thats  what its  all about  .......her  getting  fucked  right  after  the  ceremony .........and  of   course ....... a ring  worth  fuck all   .....the  price   set  by  de  beers  of  london .....yet  another    family  who are  part of  some   collusion in   world     order .........yes  and  fuckers   do  ........and  fall  for the  scam  every  day ........marriage  a  wedding  can  range  from   6  grand   which  gets  you   say   ........fucking not  much  a   buffet.....maybe  a   chinese buffet  in a  bad  hood ....  maybe the  sky's  the limit .........i mean    it's a   day  where its all    about the  daughter  called  meant to  be  a  virgin......which  very .....   very .....  very  rarely......happens   ...unless she  is one  ugly ass  bitch ..........

however  wedding's  are  one     massive   scam.......   created   in the  name of  business.........   always  have  been  get  to  dress  like penguins  ......while   its   all about the  women ......i have  been  to a few   weddings.........  and will  tell you......... most      people   that  say they are  your  friends  ......are  usually  there  to  get  fucking hammered  ........ and   the  free   bar ......  and   some  free    pussy ...........have  a wedding with  tea   and cake  .....see  how many of your   friends   turn  up  there  .......

A wedding is  an  obligation ......and most girls  ....your  friends  are  jealous  you have  a  guy to  fuck  you  on a regular  basis ...... and put  up  with your  shit ......we all  know  how  women back stab and  are  disloyal  to each other   ....especially when it comes  to men ......but its a  day  when   the  groom  can  stand up   at the  reception ......and look at the father  squarely in the eyes  and  say....."i am  going to  take your  daugter wife  now  ....and  take  her  upstairs   and  fuck  her  like a  tavern  wench ".....and there is  fuck all he  can  do  about it .....but befoire  he  would  never  ever  have  dreamt  about it see ......... how   crazy wedding are  .....he    would  have  beat your  ass   before the  ceremony  ...but  now  he  cannot  touch you .......because you might get her  pregnant ...... so you  can  be  a  grandpappy ............ a   babysitter  for  them  both .........just  saying how  ridiculous  it    all is ......i have  always  known  that   guys  go  to a  wedding looking for  ass  ...... they  would  never  go  unless  there was  food  and  drink.......  ....all your  guy  friends   dont  want to watch  you  get hitched .........  becasue they know  have lost your  spine  and  balls ........ its  a  fact  jack .....they  know  once you get married........ its  over  for  you  changes ......they  know your  bro  days  are over  ......and  mariage  takes on   the    new  level  ....and your  party  days  are  over  .......thats the  truth ..........about  marriage   and i  have only skimmed  the  surface ..........Good Morning America

All the details of Pippa Middleton’s wedding to James Matthews

 CAROLYN DURAND and KATIE KINDELAN,Good Morning America 1 hour 36 minutes ago 

Everything to know about Pippa Middleton's wedding

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......