Sunday, May 14, 2017

Pure bollocks. .......

Really. I mean do they have pics .......proof. 

.i mean we all know.  Kids Bend the truth .....why because parents.    Teach them.  All about porkies.   On a massive.  Scale .......tooth. fairy. ......storks. ......adam and. Eve ......more like Adam and Steve  fucking seriously......... It was Adam and  Lilith....... but . She proved.   Too strong.  For. His.   Ass........  And in them.     Days.   Not.    Good .....never.......the men in them.  Days.    Strike.   All macho.    And. know. .........that
.....frahile. ....male ego shite has to look like. He is king ......when you know that. Bitch ......has a man cave skinny jeans
.....anf his wife.  .. ...shit. ......makes him. ....manicure his beard......and wear skinny. it looks like he has no balls .....and give him a,Wyatt erp looking. Haircut. he looks. Like. A nitvhed out. he can look. Like a cunt.   With the rest of. His Pussy whipped. Friends .......while they suck beer. Together ....and snicker......if you are single.   And you have a married.   Friend ...
.he.  Will snitch you to his.   Wife ....

Why you may.    Ask. .....well because.   She.   Has. A vagina. That he likes to Fuck .....snd when he. Holds. Back info ..she. Holds.   Back.   Clitoris.   .
..simple.  fact. ......married men will sell you out.   For cunt a heart beat.......thats why. He. Married.     ......her Pussy.  Dumb ass....mwhile. you are. Whacking. ...he is. Banging .......and he is not going to risk losing his. Gravy train.  

....simple fact .......

However the pope.  And. The kids I got lost.   Again........its. bollocks. Parents turn their kids into liars.  ....its. what parents do m.....they lie like Fuck .....its why I don't have kids
....santa bollocks
....easter. bollocks on and so forth .......

..nut if you believe kids. From 100 years ago
.i have a condo for sale in syria.........


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In the UK, can use the  word  fag .......which means  cigarette..........yes  .........fag is a    cigarette......and when people ...