Sunday, May 14, 2017

happy mothers day in USA ching ching !!!!!!!!

I have said it  now and  will say it  again   .....America is  not  a country ...its  a business  .........and the corporate  pricks at  hall mark......wal - mart  ,....and  all the other   places in on  weakness  and  brainwashing ........yes  you guessed it  mothers  day  ........another     day  where  Americans  will go  out  and   dispose ...of   approximately  ............wait  for   it ............24.1 billion  dollars  ......on all  things  mum  related ...........why  ......because  Americans   need  to  be  told  what to ...... .....when  to do it  .....and   America  needs  money  women  need a  reason  to   fucking shop   ....really  !!!!!!!

I am  not  sure  about  everyone  who  fall  for  this   bullshit  money   grabbing  machine  ............but if  you  need one  day in your  pathetic  existence  acknowledge  the  women  who shat you into   civilization .......then your  in the pen   with the  rest .

I  was informed   by   my  family.......... i  was a shit  son.......only  because  i  never  pandered   .........stole  ......lied  to  .........done   drugs  ......used  .....abused ......and   never   visited .......but   apparently  i am  led  to  believe in  some  sort of  sick  retarded  way ......the  worst you  treat  your  mum  ....the  more  she  loves you ........i never  borrowed  money  from  her  fact  gave  her ....whenever   could .......but apparently  ..........when you live  thousands  of  miles  away   to make your  own  life ........however  you   make it .......your  the  bad  person  .........because you  left  your  country   to   do your own  thing........oh  well i guess  family  values   have   differing   ideas  in  cultures   china   that's  called   making it ........well we all know  families  only remember  the  bad  shit  you have   achieved  ........its a  family  value......a  hypocritical  gene  that's  inherit  in  all of  them  ........

America  is  a greedy  corporate  cash hungry   materialistic   rotunda ........and  wants  you to spend   your  hard  earned    cash  ........and  how  do they  do it   ....they have    special holidays  to   remind you of   your  mum        and   secretary   ..........anything  they  can  to  get their mitts on your  money .........simple funny how its  mothers  day.............  and  there  are  so  many single  mums  ..........hmmm .......does  it mention  the mums  that use  the  kids  to manipulate  the  husband  in a divorce  or  the  ones  that  go  to  court  to   stop the  father    seeing the  kids .......... because  he   does not  send  payments ........women  use   kids   for  financial   manipulate a  weak  father .,.....that's  not mentioned  in mothers  day  nope  sirreee  bob ......

Just a day  of  worshipping the  women  that  might  have   conceived  you  in a   night  when  she  was   drunk   ............unplanned   ,....or   just     did  not  want........  a kid  ......why  is  there  so  many single  mums  it all guys  faults ..............or is  it a  whole  breed  of  women  ............who  are  bad  judges   of  character ,.....  but was  forced  to  by  family  to appease  family   ..........we  all know  women     do it ......however you were   shat into  existence  .......happy   motherfucking mothers  day .......the   average  fool  ......i   mean   person     spends  around   $127  per person  justify  how    good  a  kid  you were  or  that you  care its  America.......   its  a  all  encompassing  consumption  mechanism  ......spend spend  spend  .....even  straight  guys  have  to spend   today  does  that  feel  .........and your  wife is not  obligated  to  fuck...........  you like   valentines  day  ......enjoy  life in the pen.......

here is  a  simple  vase of flowers  towards  your mother.......enjoy !!!!!!!

international hippie  would like  to add  the  following  ....these  rants   or  so  called  blogs ........... are    for   your  entertainment  value ...... ......if you  find  the  offensive in   any   shape or  form   ....your  life  might be  shite .......... ....because  if you  find  my   shite   more  interesting than your  shite  might  be   just  living a  sucky  existence   .....pack your  bags  and  head  to  vegas ...........just  a  few  words of   advice  .....the  entire  staff  here  at  international hippie .....would like  to  thank  hallmark .....wal mart...and  all those  white   corporate  owned  fuckers  who  take  your  hard  earned   cash .......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......