Friday, January 23, 2015

pleading does not work

When are people  going to realise that pleading does not work. ISIS does not give a  flying  fuck about  nothing or no one ,do these  people that these guys are going to have a  pivotal moment ,or a parental twinge for a person.
This is terrorism,pure and simple ,and all the pleading in the world is not going to  do a dam thing ,i know its a  parents thing to plead  but they must know  within their  hearts  unless  there are copious ,and i mean  copious  amounts or  cash  involved these  people are getting fucked ....proper fucked ,there  must be noting worse than a  mother or  father ...which  in  some  cases  is  a rarity  nowadays..( if there is a  father  around  ...seems  to be a rare  occurrence  these  days)....the reality is  when your  son or  daughter  friend or parent decides  to go  to  a  hostile  country ,you are taking a risk and these  people  know they may be  getting fucked ....
i am not sure  why anyone  wants  to  go  to  hostile  land  i  do not i like   home  comforts  too much  ,then i am  not that  much  of  a  humanitarian  as i think  most poeple   suck at  being well  humans ............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......