Saturday, July 14, 2012

sylvestre stallones son dead........

Sylvester stallone's  son found  dead...well i think when you parents call you sage moon blood .......and you dad  made over the top unrealistic boxing movies ,(lets be honest what boxer could take a pounding like ridiculous ) and rumor has it Sylvester is a cheap ass dick in real life .......... maybe that's know i get it when your  super  fricking rich ....but calling your  child  sage  moonblood is  a bit of a  piss taker,.......why do celebrities try, and call their kids all these fricking names ,i think Gwyneth paltrow called her kid apple.....why would your call your kid, after a fruit why stop there why not  melon/lemon/starfruit/coconut/blueberry/ on and so forth..or even peanut.....

how does a conversation go ,when she is all grown up about when she goes shopping,"hi apple,would you like an apple"  how  fucking annoying is  that .....the kids have to deal .

This is all these mental Hollywood wackos trying to be different pumping out kids like lottery tickets and trying to get  strange names...still this may derive from their American ancestors know the Indians...who named their kids ...smoking mountain....or three rivers crossing....or horsefoot trail .....shit its  just a fucking name,to make sure some bugger knows you....people  make too much of this  stuff ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......