Saturday, July 14, 2012

charlie sheen quits twitter account.............

Charlie sheen has  quit twitter   ...what does this  mean ....well its  just a twitter account ...its not like he is  running for  president or  anything .......(although i would trust charlie over  any other least  he is  honest  and he loves the babes....besides many other things .......not much difference  for  presidents .....).

Well as we all know ,bad  publicity is  better then  no publicity at all .....and  after  all  he likes controversy.....i guess for some people , who do not have a life ,this  must be  devastating, ,i mean howwill they get through their day ,not knowing what a  famous  person is  doing.....

I do like charlie, because he  likes to mess  with the media,but  like all the other  famous...or so called ,they all love the camera,its what  keeps them going,because i think personally,in life ,most of  the people  who love the limelight ,in real life ,........are self absorbed/conceited/narcissistic/bi-polar/OCD/........or generally suffer from low self esteem ,and the power of the spotlight  gives them power.......

I have always thought,actors portray who they really are in life ......i think.....fame is a  conduit to who they really are ......i think in some  sense you have to be  really self absorbed  to go on TV and  go on a  chat show and  talk about  your self in front of millions ...... because we all know, if you go on a  show ,the host  is  not going to ask you if you are still a  wanker ,and a  drunk,......which if i am right in saying  most of  Hollywood's A-Lister's  really are ,and if not,.....  stoners.....I mean  i do feel pity for them  ,as all they do is attend parties and ceremonies ,the stress of  doing this  must  get to one  right............

Still i am sure,  charlie will be  back, as   he  has  said  before, he is would not forgive the guy who fires  his  ass on two and  a  half men ......that  did not last  long .its Hollywood ....what fun would it be  without controversy

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......