Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lakeshore Laments Man Kills Small Dog With Single-Punch to the Head

This is one guys skull i would like to crack ......

ted shuttleworth .....this piece of shit /no good /loser/retarded slug////punched a  4 pound poodle and it died....why because he was angry with the animal .....

I don't know  about anyone else , but i think a  man that hits an  animals  is  a spineless  turd ........only a gutless bastard hits an animal that cant fight back......

I hope this guy dies in jail ,or gets raped, and gets aids, and then when he is  emaciated , get  kicked in the eye  socket , or left in a wal- mart parking lot and rats  eat his  feet .......

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  I think i would rather trust a  used  car salesman .....than a  cartel dealer .....although honor amongst thieves ....is usually the code....