Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hebrew national not kosher ....really theres a shock ....

Hebrew national claimed its hot dogs wee kosher .....i always thought this was  a pile  ....

First of all ,..all kosher  meat  has to blessed  by a rabbi ,and its hung up ,and its throat cut, while its being blessed......... correct me if i am wrong but Hebrew national sells a shite load of hot dogs ....

So do they have a  kosher assembly line , rabbi's  constantly blessing the cows , while they are being mercilessly butchered ......

But look who owns Hebrew national ........con agra   these  were the bastards that  had the old dying cows,  the illegals working there  ,and  the injured cow being hauled around in a  fork lift  .....

If  your memory serves any good  ,they were  on TV when the owner  was  sweating, and  gagging at the videos ....

I have  always  thought hot dogs were shite, and  made  from the  shite of  bovine  you know the bits you  cannot sell 

You have to be out of your  gord ,or  f*****g high ,to think that a hot dog is all beef ,....... since when was  meat pink .......

A hot dog to qualify ia a hot dog  need only to be  a small percentage of meat .......the rest  fillers (definitions of fillers ..........go figure whats in the slaughter house ..)  

I do think slaughterhouses are  disgusting places , at the best of  times ....there is no respect for  life, at all but besides the point i think its more  humane,  than hanging a massive animal upside down ,cutting its throat while it dies slowly ........how  can that be godly ....

I have never believd in or followed cultures , unless there was a chance of porking one of its  followers ....  i have always thought cults  were  over ,we live in modern times and  cults are acrchaic ,....and the word  CULT is in there  ......... so go figure  .....

 Blessing any animal is a pile of shit, you are killing it, and asking for  forgiveness , no diffrent  from killing a   human ,and then asking them for  forgiveness .......... its  stupid .....

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