Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Up to 27 million people living in slavery: US

Why is anyone surprised by this.....human slavery America .....they can't be serious ,they did not know this was  a big business.......

When you see that two third of the world, is third world ....and the other third is crime /govt/medical /and Joe public ......

How else do the upper crust get their kids looked after /their houses cleaned/dinners cooked....

loads of officials have been caught with bought humans, that  could not leave the houses  of these  people .....

Slavery is slavery , anyways  shape or form ,...and if you are educated ...then this should never happen...although i  have heard that Russian broads are sold off as hookers ........and strippers...

i think a lot of these  people are conned into a better  life  being promised it by someone else

Here is why i have a problem with that ...when people tell me stuff ...unless i really know  them........its cobblers ....i usually  hear and treat their non -constructive rhetoric with disdain .......

If someone told me there was a Job in another country and money they would be  checked out criminally and all visa and stuff and  the job....

someone told me about working in Haiti ,(after the quake)and  i asked the guy about the permits,and the passports, details, and  his work contract, and  the area, and the access  to the place .....

He had none of this then i asked him for the wages up front ....surprise .....there is always one trying to  get people  no stuff no travel.....pure and simple 

but that's why i guess that people  try with uneducated because they are not smart enough to figure that out

When i hear people  mention slavery ...its in all levels its been around  with the ancestors and the only difference now is there is way More  money than when the ancestors  were doing it .....


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......