Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good bye C.S.I miami ......you will be missed ..maybe

Welly well oh well,.......... CSI is getting canned  ....i got to tell you , i liked  it for one thing, and  one thing only, ......Emily Procter ....yes  call me a pig ...(1-800-PIG )....and the girl with the really curly hair and nice  eyes .............

I mean i like the sunshine ,and the boats , and the skyline ,but, this show, had the worst  police  tactics  ever , it was a glam slam........everybody arrested was a  designer  criminal ........is it only GQ people  that  do shit in Miami................

You never really saw, a grossly overweight Cuban guy sweating all over  Emily.........but the show truly, in  the following of Miami was  fake and overrated the forensics.........

We all know a murder ,(which is  currently every day nearly in Miami ).........but  for CSI these  were  special murders ,of course a hot babe, in a hot tub, and a glamorous model fucking guy.........and of course, they spend all the Miami beach police man Hours in one  hit,..... because this babe was killed in a tub or something ........

I do admit,.... i liked the glamour, and maybe,..maybe.... i will miss CSI eventually ,....i watched It a few times  because of Emily proctor...

Maybe Horatio  can start a  line of  designer sunglasses and pinstripe shirts .....!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......