Monday, June 11, 2012

Prometheus got humped by madagascar 3...xcellent

I think its great a cartoons ,well sort of  beat the predictable fable Prometheus ............i think film makers are running out of ideas .....i am not into  science  fiction,....... as i think its  bollocks .....

 But lets have  fun  ,if its not science fiction we are being fed its the john carter/300/gladiator/medieval/romanesque.......bollocks its all preditable .....

I never saw avatar ...because i  have no idea  what the hell is attractive about  a  blue women least  Madagascar keeps the kids happy and i am sure parents love it ...........

In the world of cinema , where can movie producers go, they keep re-making old movies, and they turn out bad , like the three stooges , those laughs are different now different time .......

they have redone star wars in a  different format who the hell cares ....i guess if that's  your gig.....

john carter failed miserably ,and cost Disney a pretty Penny , i guess they thought,they could unload a shitty book, on Jo public  but it never worked ...but i am not sure if the movie producers learned form that mistake, this Prometheus looks like shit  as  of  what i have heard it shite........................


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