Tuesday, June 12, 2012

CAR SURFING ...a new sport....sort of .......

There is a new  sport ...well sort of , its called  car surfing ......well here is a thing ...nothing ever  good , comes form doing bizarre  shit with a car...

The participants stand on the roof of the car while it drives  off.....well i like sports ,,,,but this is crazy shit....i get skateboarders  and pastranoesque  stunts with bikes and  shit ........but these  guys are Adrenalin junkies(and are professionals ) and seem to love  pain ....

The difference is a  bike probably weighs  maybe  30-40lbs and a  skateboard    not too much ...but a  car  is well  fricking heavy must be over a  1000 lbs or so ....without any grips ...so you know something is gonna go bad .....

I do like an adrenalin   as  much as the next guy ...but to me  a car is a  dangerous  machine unless you  are  Dana  Kirkpatrick or nascar dude ...but to use it as a  surfboard nah ......................

some girl got F****D up by trying this stunt and is now all messed  up ....she was a sporty girl  but now she has to learn all over  again...

I am not sure about anyone else  but doing this and having to start over again is not a sport  its complete  stupidity .................

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