Sunday, May 6, 2012

using children as an emotional tool

Here is a subject that  may get  some people,  riled ,using kids in a marriage  to get things won/done............

I the divorce business is bad  enough but  when kids are used against either or  for self satisfaction to get things./materialistically?mentally emotionally ,  to get gains .....

i kind of put that up there with child abuse ...

When a marriage ends i know the attorneys start  hovering like vultures for the  wins because they are the ones  , walk away with a  nice slice of pizza, and the husband usually ends up broke  in the  main course of things ....

I have witnessed this  first  hand in many levels in life,i have  like been close to the situation in one way or another  where  kids have become a pawn , and its done through pure hatred......

being in and around a  situation on many levels and poor beleive me the tactics  are the same ,only the money  makes it  more vicious .....

I personally myself think that using children  ,who are innocent in the whole  deal shows  things like ...lack of self respect,self hatred ,lack of intelligence ,and lastly most of all pure evil .......

And funnily enough  i  saw this  is a  place  i used to live called  Jonesboro Arkansas ....which believe it or not  is  known as  a very religious bible belt (   actually know as  the the belt buckle of religion)....of the south .....and  people  who are meant to be religious  indulged in this  evil practice ....

but  not only is it done  in  the confines of divorce its used in a marriage against  grandparents as  an emotional toolbar  ..mostly for  narcissistic reasons or monetary gains..something i can testify to this  growing up ...but hey , payback is  a bitch ...

because sometime in life this  whole  anti-karmic practice comes around and sinks its teeth into the  perpetrators fat ass.........

I understand when a  marriage fails  usually  9 times out of ten the woman does inherit the right to have the kids ......and we all know  when a women is  scorned its  never pretty/nice /wholesome/amicable/friend
.or whatever  category you may want to place it in .........

.....unless of course the woman is   mentally unstable ....( this  would be most of the female population of single broads in south Florida and surrounding counties ).......

and the sickest part of this  is they are being coerced by an attorney ,who simply  has not interest other than to see that the divorce goes according to the law that state and divorce is  done in ....

well that's a load of bollocks  because i have been to that situation and believe me hatred in its essence has no rational and  people tend to be swayed or easily used  in a situation where they cannot think only revenge....

two people meet and  fall in love and then have a  child sometimes all for the wrong reasons ...whether it  would be family pressure ,and we all know that's .... a  biggy...or the good old  biological clock issue/excuse ,or many other things that you can load on the cart of excuses  ...

But in the end the biggest winner is the attorney who walks away with  a crap  load of cash earned  through piles of paperwork and  misery ...

And the biggest loser is well ...if you have not figured this one out then  you do not care the kids .....because they do not understand  why mummy and  daddy have two homes or  other  daddies or mummies does take its toll on the kids  one way or another ,and i have  seen this  also ,the kids  grow up ..

and somewhere in between being used as  an  emotional battering ram  for  self satisfaction and gain ,the trauma catches up with them in life one way  or  another ...

Usually the children themselves  inherit that gene and wonder why they hate their parents and then fail at relationships ....

What i did  find really interesting in this part of life some of  my  ventures in to the world of  gentleman's establishments......i.e strip clubs..........( not sure why they call them this  as , if you were really a gentleman you  would not sit there  with a  vagina in your face, guzzling crown Royal, and smoking a cigar)....although in  some states that may be normal.....

.most of the girls that are  employed  by this so called  entertainment ...i guess it can be  somewhere in between .........most of the girls i confided with ....( this will be another  blog  in the future ) ,did say they had  come from broken homes/single parents ....which really did not surprise me in the least

I have had friends who came from broken/divorced families ...and really do hate their parents for  splitting because they had left a void in their life  which they were  unable  to  fill and  held nothing but regret...and did  affect them functioning in life .....

one of the most prolific people in the world believe it or not has  made  a fortune  and used his hatred in  music to reflect what it did to him .....but  eminem is  angry about his mother and father ...he channelled i into stardom.....most are not that fortunate.....

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......