Friday, May 25, 2012

Horror movie script writers ..all the bleeding same ...

I saw the first Friday the 13th and that  was  topped ...but i think there was  another  15  maybe  who the hell knows .....and then  there  was  that  bastard  Freddie , with the bad stripey  jumper and that  annoying prick jason ...and the ever unstoppable Candy man.....

And the insulting part of it is,...... the kids  are meant  to be on vacation form colleges  somewhere,  prim preppy and really white .......and there is  always a  cute  blond,...... a couple of  jocks and a  few girls who are marginal ....and of course the spotty faced  goofy inept insecure never  been laid virgin guy ....

And they go to place ,and they know the place is a hole in a marsh, and the guy who murdered  everyone , was  never  caught ....RED FLAG....when you go somewhere in the middle of  nowhere, and  lots of  people  were killed , and the guy not  caught fricking leave unless you are  a complete  uneducated  backward inbred  good for nothing shit kicker....and stay ........

I myself  are a slight Adrenalin junkie, and like going strange places but i am not  retarded ....

Yet these  loonie, script writers  write the same predictable shit.... ....yet for some reason horror fans love them ...

I have met a  horror director Michael brand ........and boy does he have  a following ..........but all horror  movies are exactly the same i guess Michael brand and other  see a nice way to make money form the same old shit re-packaged again and again.....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......