Friday, May 25, 2012

woman thrown off plane becasue of offensive t-shirt...

Okay i get the first amendment the right to free speech ,or is it the second amendment ...or is that the right to bare arms .......

It,s probably the first ..i shudder the thought of the right to bare  arms ............ because  some women have those flabby wings under their arms and they are all flappy so maybe thats an amendment we  should amend ...

So a women tries to  board a  plane with a t-shirt saying "if i wanted the govt in my womb i would let a senator  f***k me".....okay there  is a line  that you have to be careful of .....

This women is  doing this simply to get  noticed other  reason ...

Unless she is mentally retarded 9/11 anyone that  has been in and  around an airport should know the   TSA has everyone sterilized you cannot say or do anything in an airport,........ never  mind  wear a  t-shirt with the word f***k on it  so this is nothing more  than a bored   wife.......not getting banged  lady needing attention ......................and what better way to go to an airport  with the word  f***k on it...................

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......