Saturday, May 26, 2012

levi johnson broke and living with hoo sob....

                                 Not the thrilla from wasilla...!!!!

This  guy is officially the king of all rednecks and shit kickers .....

( let me say ,there are rednecks and hillbillies who are good honest hard working fine people ....then there are shit kickers...) this guy is ashitkicker!!!!!

Sarah palin's daughters boyfriend/baby's daddy/sponge/layabout/so called broke ......really !!!!!!!.....

I like Sarah palin not for presidential never,..... i liked her because she has  the conservative/hot sophisticated librarian/teacher/businesswomen look know the suits dress and glasses and hair know the boardroom corp!!!

Anyways back to signor numb nuts .....he must be  friends with kanye(no mother)west......Levi made more than a million bucks,(let me say if you make a million the least you can do is help out your kid...) ...whoring his soul to whoever would pay him cash....he spent it on....wait for it!!!!!!!!!.his kids ......nope....not a chance in hell ..

like every mindless numb nutted inbred has been so called reality he spent it on  what men need most in life  .....yes !!!you got it .........and four wheelers.......what else  would a sponge daddy from... Alaska with a lug nut for a brain spend his millions on....

Geez!!!....... while sponge daddy shoots/mud's/plays like a  playboy he thought he was ........this Alaskan ass wipe has not paid child support in two years ..............(In some circumstances  it may not work in the guy's favor so they are excluded because of relationship problems...)......I am always amazed at guys who think they are thinking they can make a  baby ....NEWSFLASH!!!!!! monkeys can make babies .....yet funnily enough sometimes monkies make better  parents ,and they do not own boats/guns/4wheelers......

You know the law needs to toughen up on deadbeat dads ......(Once again in some circumstances situations are not helped by the state  of the relationship and they are excluded also)......,....if you do not pay you should be forced to work in a camp,.. and not leave till the child is 18.....simple...but then you can only half blame a  dead beat dad for not paying ..the girl/women/idiot who parted the pins /legs should have known ..the guy she is  going to sleep with is  mentally deficient ......

I have said it before and will say it again causes people to misjudge,.... because they confuse lust with love ...and women in their endeavour ,will trade sex for love  ...and men will trade love for sex......and in this package everyone fears.... they will be by themselves (eventually you will ).......

Back to the weak wanker form he is living with mommy hoo  sob....(pity is not a quality that is like able)...and guess what he has not paid  for his first kid this total loser has  knocked up another broad ......

The craziest part that this guy was  a one time hopeful to be a mayor of where  .......legoland have got to be kidding me ..of where ........

Now the girl he has knocked up going to have a little girl .....and Levi is going to name her breeze beretta .....after a gun shit kicking smart of this sponge daddy....after  a gun ...can you imagine,....... say in 30 years time if this girl is  a neurosurgeon...(not fricking likely)....she would be called  doctor breeze berreta....would anyone want a doc with a name like that.....just imagining that's all ....scary

here is another  example of children having no chance snooki ...or maybe ass wipe kanye having kids ...this would be  your claim to fame growing up .....should be keeping quiet and name changing in the works .....

i am sure Sarah palin is  grinding her teeth and hating this  guy so bad  ..if not why not .....

The new girlfriend/skank/ho/desperate slut/no brained slut /let this total bum impregnate her ...what in mummies bed/sofa/basement/car/kitchen/lawnchair.......

What kind of mentally retarded broad is she not only did she get knocked up by a peabrain..........but let him call her future daughter after a gun .....a berreta is okay ...why not Kalashnikov/ruger/desert eagle/Sig hauer/AR15/caprati/Walter ppk(of course walter is a guys name and that would be ridiculous right....why would they do ridiculous of course not ....)

Inside Edition said "Levi is confused about life".....

Maybe he could run for president ......after all he and john edwards........ were not that different, although i don't think john Edwards posed for playboy !!!!


Anonymous said...

It's PlayGIRL.

internationalhippie said...

i don't look at magazines with naked men in it just women !!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......