Sunday, May 13, 2012

dinner will be at 5 .........never is .........

Have you ever been invited to dinner or some celebrated day like Thanksgiving ,usually that's the worst one and Xmas and they tell you yo be there as  dinner will be  there  at  5 ...and you are  hanging around waiting........hungry....having to listen to some godawful hallmark or Mannheim steamroller bollocks Xmas CD....or having to  deal with the usual thanksgiving get together  drivel .....
Its either my imagination and i am over thinking dinner, or its really is that  annoying .....its always amazes me  culinary world one  thing takes 5 hours to make, and is  scoffed in less than an hour...and is then  grunted out in the toilet bowl in  less than  5 Min's .....funny how life is , when all the hard work turns to shit .......
If you think about it  the culinary world is  a great  example of life in  its very  self .......the baking /cooking and  serving ....and eating  takes all day  ....but in life in 5 minutes it can all turn to shit ..........
Anyways my point being is why  do people  tell us  to came at  5 ,when they know  it will never  be  5,  why don't they say  come  to the house  in between  5-7  to eat  and if its  cold and you are  late , well then that's your tough shit ,that   to me  would be more  fun and honest.....and as i am  vegetarian, it  does not  matter  a rat's ass  to me,  because  salad is  always  fricking cold  anyways......!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......