Two F-22 Raptor pilots have said publicly that not only are they afraid to fly the most expensive fighter jets in American history, but the military has attempted to silence them and other F-22 pilots by threatening their careers............
WELL WELLY WELL O WELL ...the air force intimidating its employees....well if your Head has been up your ass since the early days of woodstock and such like ....this will come as no surprise to anyone .....All that macho pride has got to be channeled somewhere we all know America's air force has that squeaky clean we are leaders mentality .....
But apparently there raptor jets are not worth shit ...
Here is why that does not sound good will make other countries laugh at the overpriced overrated hypersonic killing machines...after all that's what they do ...what else is it good for ....hmmmmmm let me see ...well you could not use it for supersonic crop spraying could ya , i mean how do you spray a soy bean field in 3 seconds .........humanitarian reasons , nope how do you deliver fricking bags of rice at the speed of sound ....... would be good for a Chinese take- out nowhere else ( you know Chinese take outs or ( take-aways) in the UK are usually frequented by drunk people/stoners ....because that nice feeling of overdosing on MSG..........lovely addicting shit and it helps get rid of that drunk feeling)....
Apparently they malfunction.......something to do with oxygen ....well bugger me i mean who the hell needs oxygen when you are flying past the sound barrier ........and then some have crashed .....
Apparently they malfunction.......something to do with oxygen ....well bugger me i mean who the hell needs oxygen when you are flying past the sound barrier ........and then some have crashed .....
We ll know the American military loves to emit a shield of we are the best ...
.you know ......listen when you sign up for any govt force whether it be army /navy/air force / you sign away your life/soul existence/being/self.......otherwise if you had pigs like me wanting to go to countries with an AK 47 and 2 dozen power bars and just shoot people ..
That would not be fun starts at the top and last man in get dirt ....when you join the big 3 you give up who you are as a human being and become a conveyor belt killer they break you down and the re-build you to what they need ...
The military is a killing machine they go to war to kill whatever stands in their way and you are a small cog in the system and they will feed you and clothe you up until you get /killed/die/shot/burned/bombed....but as many vets have found out you are only good as long as you are doing what you enlisted for ......
Its a known fact that man shot in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan/uzbhakistan/jerkistan/uncle stans ...any Stan's shipped to rhamstein air base to be taped up or sewn up which ever get.s the job done .....but if he dies there its not considered he died in war no that's would not look good for the forces because of the macho ism in the top brass they need to keep the numbers low to look good ......
how bad would it look if the forces really declared how many soldiers truly dies........its not a secret its a fact i am just a person who is intrigued by why people think American military might would want to be dishonest and lie to the American people we all know its all about the govt being transparent to you so your little offspring can go to war and not be shit upon .....
Why do the air force not just admit they fuck up once in a while ...but then all that machismo and its premium in the forces would all be in vain ..........
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