Sunday, May 13, 2012

hollywood mums and their kids ,,,and paparazzi

I have  always said  Hollywood A- list mums are mental cases ,in lots of these rich overpaid emotional low self esteem broads ,who only portray what they really are ...never  consider the ramifications of having kids......
I know the people the likes of Halley berry who  goes through men  like toilet paper,and all these mentally in balanced over protective mum,s.......
We all know the paparazzi  does  not  give a  rat's ass about  what you are doing ,these  people only care  about iand lots of them.... pix ....even if you are  lying there  dying , they still want pix.......we all know  that  when  someone dies the paparazzi   loves to  get/take/pay someone get a piccie....
I  do not  respect stupidity in any form...and it seems like the more famous you become  you become that  more stupid you become ..for example one icon of complete stupidity is kanye west ...i use him as  an  example because i simply hate  him .......
But Hollywood actresses turned mommies when they gave birth they must have lost some spinal fluid you  know the stuff that travels to the brain and  helps your mind work.....coupled with the  fact that  most of  people in Hollywood that are famous women have little or no self esteem at all  because they  only really care  about the spotlight ......
Also we all know these  A-Lister's  marry and separate quicker
 than fast setting concrete....but i personally think myself they only go off at paparazzi because in the world of showbiz, bad press is  better than  no press at all,  we all know  that  its  a  fact  you only  need to look at the likes of Lynsey lohan the imbecile and retard kanye west ......
Did these idiotic women not realize that when they decided to open/spread/part their legs/pins/thighs ...get inseminated /knocked up/ banged...usually by another A-Lister or  bad boy so called band member/rock star( who are quite honestly  nothing like their predecessors form days gone by...) or some other Hollywood director/producer/casting director......(we all know  all Hollywood people have been with a acting director male and female????....
My point to this is did they not realise that when they had  a kid/kids...that the paparazzi would  take a moment to  think about  what the kid  will feel  about this ....because we all know these poor kids  are  doomed  to a life of  torment somewhere along the  famous line ...paparazzi are like  cockroaches/slugs/rats/vermin...the only difference  is they carry cameras and make  money  by selling pix and their  soul ...mostly pix......
Women do  realise that in general apart from a few who do  have  geuine morals and  cares( i am being generous here )...that somewhere  along the line in life they use  kids as  emotional or  financial crowbars ...
I have  done a topic on this in marriage and with famous people  showbiz....
Its how it is,  its not new  when women do not get what they want when they want, they use  kids  to  get the outcome ...its simply like  a  criminal, overlord/kingpin/drug dealer/(bank manager /car sales man....almost like aforementioned only legally)...they resort to violence .......only women know that  they have  the children of the men they used to  date/married/have sex with /loved/cherished ......and the men  are weak because they are the father of the children in the whole ordeal and they do not want the child to suffer ......its the evil/vile part of the female anatomy that makes women unattractive ,and makes one  wonder who are more evil in  life, i know men would not deny a child the right to see its mum  ,but women will do it to the child ....i do hate when kids  become pawns in life its abuse pure and simple ...

In conclusion ,we all know  that women want to go forth and have babies in the quest for the human race but mostly ...its what is what society wants from married people and religious organizations promote, because  its helps fill the basket at the end of the  day ....and well we all know how else would a  woman trap a man ..... and business  be done we all know its all about couples and babies ( billion dollar industry related n it all )

famous chicks/broads/bints/actresses ..must know and if they don not then are stupid that being a famous mummy will be up for grab with the paparazzi America you  know America is  all about  money ....if you think its about caring and wholesome Apple pie, and ice cream, and trees and,  meadows and people  caring in Hollywood, then you are already a more delusional bitch than you were given credit  for...leave go to a  country like France who care about their privacy ....the only thing they care about in America is the good old dollar bill..... $$$$!!!!!!


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......