Tuesday, December 10, 2024

THE BirTH OF INTERNATIONALHIPPIE............................


Lots of people  have  always   asked me ......... where did i get the name ........ internationalhippie ..........well of  all places......... in the world  .......  a  tiny place in Connecticut..........  called  clarke falls  ......    in a pig  farm .......yes!!!!....you heard  correct !!!!.....now if you have never  been to  clarke falls........ it is   small ........and i mean  really small  ........ and it truly  blink ........ and  you have missed it .......it is  cute......... and  stinks of well......... pig shit!!!!!!!!........however ....... i had the pleasure  of  spending a summer  there  working ......  in a   truck stop ....  ...... in west  greewich .....as  a  security guard  .....and   liked  in a   friends    farms....... for the  summer ..... ......the truck stop was called  tommy's   24  hour diner/truck stop ....it  was  basically  a little  truckers haven ....... .......cool  job !!!!.......  so i worked there .......and  lived in this  great house the house  was in   a  place  called  plain meeting house  road  .....and  apparently  ......  the actor   kevin  bacon........  lived   near there   ............always  been blessed  with strange   things in my life ........ not  sure  why.......... but that is how it goes  .........and   on sunday's  i used  to  take  drives   anywhere  that  seemed   strange  and  obscure   .......so i  was    driving .......and  i  came to this  cross roads ....... and  smelled  pig shit ........  and wondered  WTF!!!!!.......   is  going on  .......  and  all of  a  sudden.......  i see  a  yard sale  sign .......and i thought......... who  can  resist a  yard  sale   not  !!!!..........so indeed  ....... it was a  farm  .........and  there was  a lady in a  wheel chair ....... sitting there....... and  i  asked  her pleasantly  ........ are you having   a  yard sale    ........she said " honey i have  been having this   yard sale for  years "........  and i though  well  slap  my thighs!!!!!! ..........she proceeded  to tell me .........  her  some   went  to thailnd........  and  never  came  back ...... and  all his  shit was  in there  .....and  yes indeed  it  was ........ loads...... and ...... loads  of  hippie  clothing  .......a whole  barn  full .....  jackets  and   such  like  now i am not sure  how many  people  knew  abut this  yard  sale  .......... but the  whole  barn  was    full of  everything ........  a  single man  could  desire  .......so i bought a  shit load  of  shirts..........  and  a   fingerhut  leather   jacket   .........which  was   very...... very  unseal ........i liked it......... so i paid  her  and  left  .......i thought  no more  about it .........  till i got home  ........and   i tried on  this   70's   fine leather   jacket  ...which i tend  to add.....  was almost  new  .......and  i put  my hand in the  jacket  pocket....... and  pulled  out a  pack of    black and  white    hardcore porn   seventies  playing  cards  .......called  ......you guessed it  ....internationalhippie........not only that the  first edition......... and  mine  was.......     one of  one  ........which i still have  .....to this  day .......and  i have  looked  on  the internet........  to find  them   .......the next day i went to the  library ...... grabbed  the  e-mail....... and  the  website  .........and the  rest is  history  .....and i thank that old  lady...... and  her  son   every day  for    not  coming back   ........i loved the  name  as  i was   born in that  era   and   was  always  wanting a website and  voila !!!!! .......had i not  went to  Connecticut ....... that summer .......  actually  i went to  rhode  isalnd  ........for a  wedding  of  my  filthy ......  disgusting.......  thieving ........ nephew  ......and i guess had  i never  went ......... i would not  have the  name  ....i would have  to had  poppy nipples .     or same  strange  name  .....but   life  takes  you on  some  mysterious paths  and  we   do what we   have to  .......my life  has  been varied....... and interesting  ......and  hopefully........... my journey  will  continue  to  surprise  me.........  like   this  .........i promise  you this    it is  exactly  what  happened   ........

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...