Tuesday, December 10, 2024



As i have said ........ thank you all very...... very....... much for reading  my crazy   rants/blogs/thoughts/......etc......... etc  .....they are not  for  everyone  ........and  some  people ........  may  get  jolted...........  or  a hit  upon   something ........say.......  a  nerve maybe !!!! ....,,,,,...i can  really assure    you ,,,,,,,, i do not  plan  the  character   assassination of  anyone ........... they   just  come  rumbling out........ whatever   i am  reading .........and  it  just happens .........  ..some days.........  i  get  mad ........   at the  bullshit news.........  and  it   is  fuel  ......... for  my  blog........   some  times  it  is  cans .........  girls   half naked .........  etc ....etc!!!!!!!  ............but i  can assure  you ........non if  this is  planned...........  in any way  shape  or  form .........so if you stumble in here .......... and    accidently   feel you  are   being   rhetorically  assaulted !!!!!!!!! ........tough titties   amigo !!!!!!!!!...........yep ....... i cannot undo  what i type!!!!!!! ........well i could .........  but that  would  not be  fair  to the other   psychotic   fuckers ......... who  wants  to read   psychotic  shit  now would  it  ........and that is  why   .......www.internationalhippie    comes with a censor bar   you are  warned  .......so   tread  carefully...... if  you are think skinned  and  been married  too long ...........

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...