Tuesday, December 10, 2024

REFINE IT .........

 You know.......... if they refined it........   it  could be  used   by dental and  surgical .....but no......... they have to  burn it........ waste  it  ...... ..typical  govt  wankers,,,,,,,,   refined cocaine could be  good  for  dentists  ....the stuff  dentists   give you know  is   absolute   garbage,,,,,,,,, did you  know  that ,,,,,,,,  shitty novocaine ,,,,,,,,   no,,,,,,,,  you did not ,,,,,,   did  you  ,,,,,,,,  pure  coke ........... would be   better for  the  dentists   ...........  obviously refined of   course  ...........     not  that shit!!!!!!! ...........i only know this ........ because  a  dentist   told  me  novocaine  was  shite ........hey !!!!!!......what the hell do i know .........i am  just a  vanilla  gorilla .......  looking  for  a free table  dance .........


Ten tons of cocaine worth £200m set ablaze in Dominican Republic in massive victory in war on drug gangs

The haul was said to be destined for Belgium

TEN tons of cocaine goes up in smoke marking a welcome victory in the war on drug gangs.

The monster haul, worth nearly £200million, was the largest seized in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean.

Ten tons of cocaine goes up in smoke in the
Ten tons of cocaine goes up in smoke in theCredit: EPA
The haul was the largest seized in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean
The haul was the largest seized in the Dominican Republic in the CaribbeanCredit: EPA
The packets of drugs were laid out by white-suited officials before being set ablaze
The packets of drugs were laid out by white-suited officials before being set ablazeCredit: EPA

It was found hidden in a ­consignment of bananas at the country’s main seaport in the capital Santo Domingo and was said to be destined for Belgium.

Ten people were arrested.

The hundreds of packets of drugs were laid out by white-suited officials before being set ablaze.

It comes as a British battleship seized more than £40 million worth of cocaine in the Caribbean Sea in a daring drugs bust in August.


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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............