Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Like i said ....... time...... and  time  again ....... tourists ...usually eurotrash /brits.........or  culturless americans .......as they are less than 300 years old .......  they have  no culture   ....... just  french fries and   pizza........you would not  get someone.......  with  a  gram or  self  respect .......and you can bet your  balls.......  to a  barn door ....... she was a  drunk skank ......normal sober  people.......  really do not  partake  in such  worthless  pranks .......i think the  jean shorts ........ gave way ...... trailer park trash ........ or  some  country ..... beer guzzling ...... chicken wing eating ....  stank ......i can only assume ......or  some   northern .... drunk .......single  mum ..... form  Newcastle / manchester /derby /leeds ...... or   hull  ........my guess  hull .......have you seen the women  from hull ......on a  saturday night  drunk off their  ass ......i hope they find her .......should be interesting to see where  she is  from  .......any bets anyone......... anyone ........

Outrage in Florence after 'insulting' female tourist simulates sex with treasured statue of Bacchus as officials demand harsh crackdown on disrespectful holidaymakers

  • Do YOU know the women? Contact miriam.kuepper@mailonline.co.uk 

A female tourist has sparked outrage in Florence after clambering onto a monument to simulate sex with a famed statue. 

The blonde tourist, whose nationality is not yet known, was seen climbing up to Giambologna's Bacchus in the Borgo San Jacopo area of the Italian city before pretending to kiss the bronze statue.

The unnamed woman, wearing denim shorts and a black t-shirt, also stood in front of the sculpture while grinding her rear against it as a friend took photos.

The second woman, in black shorts and a white t-shirt, was pictured kneeling in front of the statue, seemingly imitating a sex act.

Now officials have demanded a harsh 'zero tolerance' crackdown on disrespectful holidaymakers.

The blonde tourist, whose nationality is not yet known, climbed on a replica statue of Giambologna's Bacchus in the Borgo San Jacopo area of Florence and pretend to kiss the man made of bronze

The blonde tourist, whose nationality is not yet known, climbed on a replica statue of Giambologna's Bacchus in the Borgo San Jacopo area of Florence and pretend to kiss the man made of bronze

The smiling woman, wearing denim shorts and a black t-shirt, also stood in front of the sculpture while grinding her rear to it while her friend snapped photos

The smiling woman, wearing denim shorts and a black t-shirt, also stood in front of the sculpture while grinding her rear to it while her friend snapped photos

An outraged resident had posted images of the tourists on a local Facebook group, writing: 'Here is the respect for Florence,' as she criticised tourism in the Italian city. She added an emoji on top of the image of the tourist kneeling in front of the statue (pictured above)

An outraged resident had posted images of the tourists on a local Facebook group, writing: 'Here is the respect for Florence,' as she criticised tourism in the Italian city. She added an emoji on top of the image of the tourist kneeling in front of the statue (pictured above)

The statue the woman was pictured with is a replica (pictured above) of the original bronze Bacchus, which was created by Giambologna in the 1560s and is kept at the Bargello Museum

The statue the woman was pictured with is a replica (pictured above) of the original bronze Bacchus, which was created by Giambologna in the 1560s and is kept at the Bargello Museum

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MORE YE ........................

  All i have to say is  ....... kanye is a  shit stirrer .......and  he   loves  to push the  envelope  ....... he like the  attention.....a...