Wednesday, July 5, 2023

coke and the white house .........


I have never ever done cociane /chooch/snow/bolivian marching powder/yayo/snow/blow/......why you may ask ........well i just never ever  thought it would make  me  feel  any better ....that......... and other  things ............ i  always  thought it was  a complete waste of  money.......  on all levels  ........i means   maybe  because i  never  done it......... i do no get it .........i have  watched  women and  man ......... snort that shit in  bizarre places  ......even watched  a guy and  girl do coke on a  bathroom toilet  lid in a  club in miami .......i mean i have an addictive personality........ so maybe  my  inner senses   told me  not  to  venture  into the  world of  the  white   lady .......i had my party  days......... and  saw  it  being used in many many  different  scenarios  .....but hey!!!!!!!  ....whatever  your  gig is.......   who the fuck am i to say anything........ we  all have our  demons one  is  perfect at all ......but  if you are surprised.......that  cocaine  was found in the white house .......i am  surprised ....... that you are  surprised  at this  .......i just thought ........ all  govt  guys  did  the  chooch! else  do they stay awake .......

Cocaine found in West Wing of White House while President Biden was away: What we know

WASHINGTON − The White House was temporarily closed Sunday evening after Secret Service agents discovered a white powder suspected to be cocaine inside a work area in the West Wing.

The Secret Service said in a statement that the White House was closed to allow members of law enforcement to investigate and that the District of Columbia fire department helped evaluate the substance.

The fire department "quickly determined the item to be non-hazardous" after an initial evaluation, a spokesperson for the Secret Service said.

A fire department and emergency medical services field test Sunday evening identified a "yellow bar, meaning cocaine, hydrochloride" after a dispatch at 8:49 p.m., according to a publicly available recording of the encrypted call.

The South Lawn of the White House is seen from the top of the Washington Monument.
The South Lawn of the White House is seen from the top of the Washington Monument.

Earlier in the evening, District of Columbia Fire and EMS crews were sent to 17th Street, which borders the White House. Neither call, however, mentioned the White House.


Members of the public who tour the White House usually are allowed to visit only the East Wing and residence. Tour members are typically not permitted to visit the West Wing, which is where the president, vice president, and other senior administration officials have their offices.

The substance will be tested further, according to the Secret Service.

"The item was sent for further evaluation and an investigation into the cause and manner of how it entered the White House is pending," Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the Secret Service, said in a statement.

President Joe Biden and his family were away from the White House when the substance was discovered. Biden departed for Camp David on Friday evening and did not return to the White House until Tuesday morning.

Guglielmi said in the statement that the White House complex "went into a precautionary closure" as officers investigated the substance.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Powder found in White House West Wi

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......