Tuesday, June 6, 2023



Well........ you know what i hate ...... is  when  the people move into  reserves /preserves....... and  complain about wild  animals  .......the reason the animals  are there   ...is because....... you move into places ........ and  fuck up the preseerves ......and  build out......... and  leave no ....... room for  animals ......... you greedy....... image ......ridden bastards.......  ...of  course animals  are going to  get over run when you build on land ........ where are they going to  go!!!!! ......Maimi beach!!!!...... you fuckers.......  no of course  not .. .....or maybe !!!.......  las vegas....... and get a condo ........you selfish  ....cunts!!!!!  .......then........ the very same  people ...... cry...... and whine ....... when they  get  burned out of  their luxury houses ....... when they  fuck up the  environment .......of   course  ........ man = has  to stop fucking shit up  ........it is  coming back to bite  him  ...hurricanes ...... flood .....  fires  ...its payback ......and you  get pissed  becasue flames burn your hillside house .........its'   nature.....the more shit you own!!!!!! ....the more shit !you got to lose !!!!.......responsibility ....you want  ....don't  fucking cry like a little  cunt when it gets  fucked by nature.......

and as always ........ when i give a rant...... and post about shite  ...without cutting  and pasting shite....... ,.....for your  entertainment !!!!!!......i always submit a pic..... or two ......or three  ....depending  how  generous i feel .....

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I THINK I WOULD RATHER ................

  I think i would  rather   janet reno.......  sat on  my face .........and  took a shit  .......rather  than whooopi..........  i mean jane...