Tuesday, June 6, 2023

ONLY 5 OH WELL !!!!!!!................


Well only five fascinating  facts about coffee /joe.....i thought there might be more  .....but it is  all they are giving me !!.......i know........ as sure as shite  on a camels arse........ there are more ... ...but i will settle for 5 ........i know there is some coffee ......  that is  passed out of an animals ass ........i am not sure the name!!!!!!  ......but i am not consuming  coffee passed out anything's ass .........so i will settle for the  average beans ,....

Mind you ..........if it was passed out of say....... selma hayeks ass......... or  nicole  shcrezinger's ......maybe......... just maybe ......but it would have to be boiled clean ....i have  many weird thoughts... .....no end to them !!!!!! ....saty with me  ....there are more  to come  .....this is why i have www.internationalhippie.com........this stuff would never  survive  facebook........... and  bastard  zucherburg ......i know he knows ...... he knows..... i know .........that is all we need to know .........

5 Fascinating Facts About Coffee

 | Krystle Richardson
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......