Sunday, April 16, 2023



Imark my words .....i have said now and will say again ........we are not  going to  go to war .....we will be over run by A I......yep google is experimenting .........and  are mastering robots ........and let me say this ......... they have the word intelligence....... yes.....unlike   us ......they can programme themselves .......unlike human beings......... who are fucking on the whole  are mostly fucking stupid ........but robots the self initiate  from Seattleites ....... or other  robots .....elon musk is warning us now   ....he endeavoured into AI ........and it went wrong look on the net tells you ...........NASA also .........they had robots.......... that killed people......... and it was hushed up ........hey !!!!!i am only reading what i can scavenge form the  net would i know otherwise cunt is helping me ......... i can tell you that ........we have opened up a crate of fucks........that we  cannot close up ........all around the world there is  AI ....not too mention what is in cars ........all they need to do is network .......i am saying this now !!!!!!.........i am not high ......or drunk........ or fucked up ..........or  whacked out  ...really.......really sober ........ straight and  boring....... And we do not know even know what the fuck china is hiding sneaky fuckers!!!!!! .....and of course USA ,,,,,,who always play the good  guy ......and  make china....... and  everyone look bad ....but are the bullies of the world ......america...... loves to shed blood..... and  cause wars  and  do sneaky ........ underhanded ....... covert...... shit we have no idea ....... what the fuck is on our door tsep .....preobably more than we think ..........

well all i am saying is........  i said it here on my blog ..........something is amiss ......and they are not telling us bad it is   ....but i know we are all going to wake up one  day........ and  we will be slaves to bots .......take it or leave it  .....your choice  .......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......