Tuesday, April 18, 2023

FUCK TIK TOK .......


I have never used tik tok.....not interested ,,,,,,because....... apparently........ they have facial recognition on ya ......not too mention you are working for the Chinese ........and apparently you have to make a video every three days to stay relevant .....i do not know about this  .....nor do i care .......because........ then you are a  bitch to the Chinese .......and  then you  start to do shit ....... you may not want tom do  .......to stay relevant ......listen i do no trust the Chinese ....nor do trust any one ......i certainly do not  like the platform .......it is  3 minutes........ or  some  shit ....like twitter ........you can only put so many words.......and you run out ......and as i have  a lot to say ......fuck it ......i hated jack dorsey........  for  being such a douchebag .......another day another rant .....

However ..........Montana is set to ban ....what the fuck is in Montana anyways ......cowboys/fields/cold/farms/plains .......never been there ........i know it is  big .......well i could not care if they ban tik tok or not .......i have seen a  few things .....but they are short and boring ....mostly i have  seen........  low self worth ....... hot  girls twerking .......incidentally....... i hate  twerking ....it is  to me  a  dance.......... that is  asshole related ........and that is nasty as  fuck....... the asshole is  a sewage pipe ......another rant another day ....obviously.......but that is  mostly what i have seen in tik tok ....twerking  .....and dumb shit .....nothing tutorial ......if i need  entertainment........i guess i will have to go good old you tube ........oh well .......still if people are making passive incomes  which are usually fake ......good egg!!!!!!.......or as we say ......goody goody gumdrops .........or as they say in USA ......"good for you".....which to me ........ always sounds  like sarcasm........  wrapped in a  cultural statement 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......