Tuesday, April 11, 2023

FOOD WITH BENEFITS........................


Well i try ........and try.......... and tr......y to eat early ......every day ......but sometimes........i fall of that dreaded wagon......... as it rolls  through me .......i sometimes  just wanna snack attack!!!!!!!!! .......fuck it !!!!!!!!.....you have to sin sometimes ..........we all love a  sinner .......that to fuck i am ......not  going to heaven ........ to the  fire below.........  i have  a red  velvet chair .......and i am going to take over........... and  call it bubblegums  pole dancing emporium .....i promise ....,,, it's they keep sending me  back ........ many......many.....many times......so i flatlined at least 6 times  .....which tells me ......... they do not want me .........yet !!!!!!........its okay i got time on my hands .......

6 Incredible Benefits of An Early Dinner

 | Barnali Sarkar
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......