Tuesday, April 11, 2023



All reality shows are fake ...........the real one was with puck in MTV......the real world  he shared a house with some  people....... and  was a pig .....funny as  fuck ......but all reality shows are  horseshite ..........it's a  fact ..........especially that lumberjack looking bastard..... in home  town....... with his little  garden gnome .........ugly as sin ....... fake acting .....terrible  show.....HGTV.......is the gayest straight show .........ever ........men looking at houses with .......women.......who tell them they can have the  garage .....not  going to  happen in my fucking house .........tell you that for  free ......something for  free ...... can you believe it!!!!!! ......no !!!!!!well it is ......get over it .........

More Famous Reality TV Shows Are Actually Fake

 | Ofek Hagag | This article originally appeared on our sister site: heraldweekly.com
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......