Saturday, February 18, 2023

R U SURPRISED ............


Are you surprised .......if you are ......... i am surprised......... that you are surprised ......most CEO's do  not get to where  they are....... by being nice  ......look at all the CEO's .........they do not get to being there .......look at musk .......yu think he cares .......fuck no !!!!!!.....bezos .....fuck no !!!!!!......gates fuck ..... by being nice  .......its a fact ......i know this i have been embroiled they say they care ...but when it  comes down to the  basic money .......CEOs are ruthless  american corporation ........they only care about the  bottom line and in a  corporation you are only as good as lunchtime if that ......look at kylie jenner  she is meant to be a  botch to work for ......and they do not care  becasue souls......... are easily bought for a paycheck .....easily .......fact it or not ........ there will always be someone  willing to sell their soul for a paycheck .......always !!!!!!! know ......... i have  a wife and kids to feed /support /pay bills hear about this shit all the time .......can you blame them......... probably not  ...........once you get to a certain level........... and image will do anything to sustain it......... they get trapped ........ with the wife know women  cause  a lot of  men to do this image  .....look at real housewives  many  have been caught ...........  the chrisley's.......then there's the there's that fake italian ..........broad with juicy joe......acting like he was a business men .....defraufing people ......and another one ........they are  all into   pretending life's....... spending homes  showing off   they get caught eventually ..........  and  suchlike ........all you see is  never   really what it is  .......

here are some words for christopher kirschner......... .........blood farts my friend ......blood farts .......bring lot of toilet paper to prison ........

Tech CEO, 35, allegedly stole $67 million to fund his lavish lifestyle

Yesterday 9:33 AM

Tech CEO, 35, allegedly stole $67 million to fund his lavish lifestyle

Yesterday 9:33 AM

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......