Monday, October 31, 2022


I have tried impossible foods  from places like bugger king........ and suchlike estabs............its okay .....but as a  vegerterian .......i think if you want a veggie burger  you are craving meat ....simple dynamics  really........they are okay once in a while   ...but i  prefer  something  say  veggie ........yes  you  have these veggie  burgers   they are okay  ..but  unsatisfying .......impossible  foods  is  blowing up .........and  the meatless  trend is booming  ......i just do not  want a steak that is not  a steak  and  tastes  like a steak  it seems  strange........however tech will change the whole game....... revolutionize the meat industry ......maybe calves will  live to old cows ........  who the fuck knows ........ my bone of contention .....excuse the pun..........(bone)..........steak........anyways  what additives are in the  impossible  meat to flavour it ........we all know  urine......and adrenaline  ......and carbon minoxide ........but impossible may have to use many flavourers   to hye meaty flavour ........and in the end as always will be profits over people.....we all know  how that will end up .......profits over people ........always .........demand always causes  the problem .......they satart to make  things faster  and  then that's why the problem starts ,,,,,,,,,and then they start to cut corners and costs......and you get less ..........its the same old equation .......for human beings ........but  i just do not trust  food  companies anywhere  ..........not sure abouty the rest of you .......but its always about the dollar bill .....always .........

The Truth Behind Impossible Foods

 | Michelle Muller
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