Monday, October 31, 2022


From time to time ......I like to add this rant of why I do this ......well the only thing I can come up with...... is it's like thought therapy's the springboard of my thoughts...... and imagination and I get to say wtf I am thinking .......I guess it's better than taking drugs......or alcohol .....or worse brain never stops .......even when I sleep I have give dreams ......sometimes overwhelming ......and I wake up exhausted ..........but blogger allows me to channel all my rants ......raves .....thoughts and feelings into one place's like a pressure valve .........I guess .......I really have no filter ........and why the fuck should I .......the truth shall see you free dad always said........if you feel I am ragging on you .....your feeling .....your thoughts ........your culture .........suck it up buttercup's only's just words ..........mostly said through the indulgence of best and frivolity ......and of course inertia ......shock factor ......checking to see if you are still alive .......that's a good thing write .........usually I do not take the time to explain my reasons ........but every now and then I like to get personal ......and show you it's just not all cut and paste and insults........which I really fucking enjoy tremendously ........however this website has bee my baby for at least two decades ......I have not made a single fine from it ......I probably should have and know add and all that good bollocks ......but I just like how things are ....I am sure there are other international hippies out there ......but they are not genuine .....and psuedo .....posing ......myou see you have to live free or die .......if you are living to please others ........and not yourself ........then what is the fucking point of it all may not have that many friends .....but the ones you have will be real ......too many friends will conspire against you ......I garauntee it .......happened to yours truly .......keep enemies closer amigo ..........I tend not to follow others ideaologies ......styles ....fashions .....ways .....paths ......I have carved out my own existence and it works ........voila!!!!!.......problem is you have to be extreme  it's not for everyone extreme thoughts living ......people shun it and as they cannot compartmentalize it they will just call it's easier for the weak to define it as such .......they fear what they do not understand .......and as most people run in masses they feel safer in packs than's human Dynamics do you think they create  societies ....through fear and control .....the very essence of conquer ......subliminal.  .....conquer ..........that's all I can tell you and I figure this out at a very early age......too early in fact ...and got  the tools of defence before I needed them ........not for everyone .......but neither is drugs .....alcohol .....and all other things ...................
So in closing I cannot defend how I feel ......I just hope that my thoughts rant and feelings help someone who is on the same path as I am is not an easy path to walk .......but it's a peaceful solid free path paved with life ......sometimes people join me in my journey and sometimes they leave .......and sometimes they pass ......but every moment of this path is wonderful .....create your own path .....and walk it alone may be joined or not ......who cares .......that's the secret to this .........enjoy life's all you have one is getting out of here alive I can be sure of that 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......