Saturday, September 10, 2022

Tobacco all you wanted to know but .......

Tobacco ......i simply do not get it .....but it's one of the most addictive substances .....known to man ......well smoking .........which is tobacco .........i remember my grandpa used to smoke a pipe stunk  ........but it was a good stink woodsy sort of  deal .......but i still think it's not good to put anything in your lungs  except fresh air ........of course!......smokers will disagree with me ....'''.about the whole smoking deal .......although i know  people who died of  cancer ........although i know  people who died of  cancer who did not smoke it's a fucking crap shoot !!!!or you donald ......donald duck ....luck........and you have cigars .....i know cigar smokers and a  dear friend of mine has a  cigar business  ...which he does well with he owns the puffin rooms ......ronnie morrison ......great business man ....cigar aficionado.....and well believe it or not .....i have this theory about cigars ........i feel they may be some sort of  psychological help in  the world .....think about this  for a mo.......when.....a man ......or a woman ......or whatever  gender  you want to  be ........has a fucking shite day  ....and lots of people have lots of shit days .....after working for  a shite boss .....or shite job......... they hate along with the wife .......and kids....... and responsibilty ...and such like crap in life they took on ..............think about the relaxation of sitting down with a coffee and a cigar pondering life .......maybe save lives  ...when a guy smokes a cigar ......he may not think about killing his boss/wife/friend/uncle/mother in law/bank manager/attorney/ cigars may save lives ....unlike cigarettes ......i am not promoting cigars .....or i might be!!!!......who knows  ....i may be an undercover cigar promoter i am not ......... but they are somewhat good for a person to relieve anger/stress/pissed off/hatred........./etc.......etc..........there is some elegance in a cigar......when paired with a cognac or suchlike expensive drink comes with a distinction !!!!!!.....but when you  pair cigarettes and seems to lose it attractiveness.....i guess its all in the minds  eye ....or wallet obviously ....its paired with money /wealth /statute/power/symbolism........pack of cigarettes is like 8-9-10 bucks ....i am not sure  don't know the price .......but one good cigar is like minimum.....10 bucks ......the ones in the glass tube ......i dont know point is  it has an elegance about .........

Then we have chewing tobacco ....that i do not get on any level ....apparently it causes mouth cancer and  diseases see mixing tobacco with saliva .......eeeeek !!!!!......and then some goes into the stomach ..........and of course we relate that to baseball/shitkickers/deliverance/rednecks/wife beaters /guys wearing wife beaters beating their wives /animal cruelty /hunting/cowboys/rodeos/farms workers.....etc..... etc ........i can go on with this one all day .......but its not good  for you seeing that spit in cups .........

Still as long person enjoys their vices good luck chuck ........

 | Ish Bautista
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