Saturday, September 10, 2022

marriage....till death us do part ....not always .......


Here is one subject that i think is pure horse shite .....marriage ..........made for man .... invented by man for ownership of pussy /woman/bint/chick/female.......that's it.........its the big scam  from the wedding planners.......  to the  ceremony ....which we all know just an excuse for a piss up .......and free food ....... most people only go to wedding to get.......... free ass/food/sometimes occasionally bang the bridesmaid.........

Listen!!!!!i like to see things how they really are .....if you strip away the stupidity of life........ you find the thing human beings do  retarded ........

Up until the father hands the bride.......over like keys to a car...... to a valet .......the couple stay at the parents house .........they cannot fuck........ or have to show respect  .......even though the dad knows you are porking/fucking .banging /yhentzing.....his little girl .....daddy's girl right!!!!!! .......but here is the crazy part of it all ....after he walk the daughter down the aisle ......and hands her over a bag of cheetos!!!!!! ......he then loses his daughter ..... she is now a wife some strange stupid ritual ....and after they tie the knot  ......the son in law....... or new husband ....can walk up to the dad .......but he wouldn't...... but he could ......and say to her dad know what i am going to take your daughter  !!!!!! wife this wedding ....which you paid for  ....thanks dad !!!!!!.......upstairs ......and bang her like a tavern wench...... in an old saloon .....which you paid for .......fuck her like an old pony a fairground track her ass ....blow chunks in her.....turn he like a rotisserie....... chicken....... and spit roast the living fuck out of her's a fact .....but no one would ever that because of human restraint .........cultural brainwashing rules .....etc ...etc .....but you could if you really wanted to ......the money spent on wedding yearly in america is billions .....still the woman....... who gets her big day ...while the guy gets to dress like a fucking penguin .......go figure ......that's all women want....... is that wedding day ....its melted into their heads by their mums ........ from little girls ........all the way up in life .....where they wait patiently for that man ...who is going to spend all daddy's money in one day .......thousands .....that's why i never  had  kids  .....well that and my sister  fucking over my mum and dad on a daily basis.......but part reason .......however  who am i to spew my poison on life .....just in here  ...its why  am here  giving my slant on the stupidity of human beings .......but hey!!!! if you are getting married ......good luck chuck!!!!!! ......

Added note. ....2 out of three marriages end in planners love that shit  ......means the bitch will be  back ........

Incidentally......... the two richest men in the world ......divorced ........jeff bezos...... and bill gates .......even money cannot  keep that pussy at home ........

A Brief Look At The History of Marriage

 | Phelia Cantara
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......